So, of course, some people will then reproach Naughty Dog for not going to the end of the idea: for example, melee fights have the same graphic interpretation without being justified in the same way and the enemies, in addition to being stormtroopers aguéris aiming so no matter how, are well shot abusively by the gamer himself. And, suddenly, the advocated realism can be accused of a tad absurd. But we must admit that this idea of luck is frankly original and what to change the game by thinking about it: finally, never a game will have been so cinematic in its phases of play in real time, and that's what account. Uncharted throws its eyes during the whole adventure. And, that, the series has succeeded wonderfully with each episode.
That's a mega-swing! Sidenote I learned on joining the team: The red UI that shows 'hits' is to represent his 'luck' running out. Eventually enemies will get a clear shot and kill him if he takes enough near-misses. https://t.co/byzVKYXVe7
– Jonathan Cooper (@GameAnim) 8 July 2018
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