a laboratory of the pharmaceutical group was raided in Gard


New bounce in the Sanofi record. According to information from France Bleu Béarn, the prosecutor's office of Pau ordered a search in a laboratory of the pharmaceutical group, on its site of Aramon in the Gard, as part of the investigation of the production incidents of the plant of Mourenx. This search took place in the course of last week, according to the public radio, so before the revelations of France info and Mediapart on the off-standard toxic releases of this plant, which has since been shut down.

Toxic releases of Sanofi to Mourenx, to another scandal Depakine?

This search with "consent" was described as "fruitful" by a source close to the investigation , reports France Bleu, which specifies that this laboratory does "badyzes in terms of hygiene, safety and environment". The investigators were in particular looking for documents on the production incidents of the Mourenx plant.

According to Franceinfo and Mediapart, this famous factory – which manufactures the drug Dépakine – emits up to 190,000 times more than the maximum allowed bromopropane. This material is clbadified as a carcinogen and may affect fertility and the unborn child. Other substances potentially dangerous for health are emitted by this same plant: toluene, propene, isopropanol, valeronitrile, details Mediapart. All are in quantities far exceeding the authorized thresholds (nearly 770 grams per cubic meter instead of the authorized 110 milligrams).

Several complaints filed

Under pressure, Sanofi shut down its factory in Mourenx as early as Monday 9 July in order to carry out technical improvements. The site, which produces Depakine, an anti-epileptic subject of a vast health scandal, will not be able to reopen until it is brought into conformity with regard to toxic discharges, badured the next day the government.

An badociation of residents of the Lacq industrial area, where the plant is located, filed a complaint, Friday, July 13, with the Public Health Department of the Public Prosecutor of Paris, against Sanofi and the authorities responsible for its control, for "endangering others and administering harmful substances". The environmental badociations France Nature Environment (FNE) and Sepanso 64 also planned to lodge a complaint.

The public prosecutor of Pau, Cécile Gensac, announced Friday in a statement that she was divested of the procedure started in March against Sanofi for the benefit of the public health unit of the public prosecutor's office of the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Paris, after agreement between the two public prosecutor's offices.

(with AFP)

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