A LREM MP is about to be excluded from the group for voting against the immigration bill


Aira Kuric is the only member of the LREM group to vote against the asylum-immigration bill. His fate is now suspended at the group's office, scheduled for Tuesday.

LREM MP Aina Kuric voted against the asylum-immigration bill in a new reading on the night of Thursday 26 to Friday 27 July. It is now exposed to exclusion from the majority group, in accordance with the rule established by its president Richard Ferrand.

The elected of the Marne, who had already abstained in first reading, this time voted against the project of law "for a controlled immigration, an effective right of asylum and a successful integration" the only one of its group to do it. Eleven elected LREM abstained and 43 voted for the text carried by Gerard Collomb.

Aina Kuric had denounced Thursday in the hemicycle the adaptation of the law of soil to Mayotte, seeing "a false solution ". An article introduced in the Senate and approved by the Assembly requires for children born in Mayotte that one of his parents had, on the day of birth, been present on the national territory for more than three months. [19659005] #Mayotte is a terr. of our #Republic French. Do not turn a blind eye to these great difficulties by departing from our values! The same rules & rights must apply in overseas & metropolis
No to a Republic to the map to be French! #PjlAsileImmigration pic.twitter.com/CeDEX7nwLV

– Aude Amadou (@AudeAmadou) July 26, 2018

The measure, criticized by some other LREM and MoDem and by the three left-wing groups, who failed to remove it, is supported by the executive in the name of necessity to deal with the very strong illegal immigration from the Comoros. Aina Kuric, a Malagasy-born member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, had tabled amendments to delete this provision.

This morning, I rise to defend my amendments on the bill # asylum & #immigration . Find my interventions in public session: https://t.co/AZOfN7vGlK #DirectAN pic.twitter.com/dKIIbq3MWv

– Aina Kuric (@ainakuric) July 26, 2018

In accordance with the rule within the group LREM – "abstention, venial sin, vote against, mortal sin" – this entrepreneur in the oenology of 31 years is exposed to exclusion. "The bureau of the group meets every Tuesday.It will know more at this time" simply commented on the group, which has 312 elected.

In April, Jean-Michel Clément had announced "on leave" of the group after voting against the asylum-immigration text at first reading, the only one in this case. This former PS now sits with non-registered. The asylum-immigration text is to be the subject of a final vote on August 1, last day of extraordinary session, after a final shuttle with the Senate.

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