A man drowns in the basin of La Villette in Paris


A 26-year-old man drowned on Wednesday afternoon in the La Villette basin in Paris. The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, reacted and presented her condolences to the family of the young man.

The young man died drowned, while he was bathing in the basin of the Villette, in the nineteenth district of Paris . Around 15:30, when the temperature exceeded 30 degrees, the young man "took off his shirt and plunged into the pool," said the Paris Fire Brigade (BSPP). After swimming for a few minutes, he dipped underwater. After a while, not seeing him back up, a witness went to the water to pick him up and brought him back to the dock, inanimate, reported the BSPP. Once there, the firefighters tried in vain to revive him.

»READ ALSO – Return of swimming in the basin of the Villette

The accident occurred near Paris Beaches, the an operation launched by the Paris City Council, which allows Parisians to bathe in a supervised area of ​​the basin during the summer. Anne Hidalgo, PS Mayor of Paris, reacted on her Twitter account. "Very sad to learn that a man in his thirties has drowned in the Bbadin de la Villette today. I extend my sincere condolences to his family and his loved ones, "wrote the edile.

Second season for the basin of La Villette

Reopened to the swimming June 16, the basin of the Villette, more large artificial lake of Paris, had been inaugurated last summer. In 2017, the basin had attracted 60,000 visitors between 17 July and 10 September. Despite some problems encountered last season, like a very high concentration of bacteria some days, the water of the Ourcq cbad, is certified "swimmable" by the health authorities for three years.

France has recorded 121 deaths drowning between June 1 and July 5, an average of slightly more than three deaths per day, warned the health agency Public Health France. If the number of deaths is dropping, the number of drownings has increased compared to 2015.

»SEE ALSO – Swimming and first aid courses to combat drowning

Swimming and first courses to fight drowning – Watch on Figaro Live

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