A man found shot dead at his home


Judicial Police. (Illustration) – WITT / SIPA

A 54-year-old man was found dead with "several bullet holes" on his body Friday at his home in Nancy, according to a source close to 'investigation. The man was discovered in the bathroom by the
firefighters, alerted by his family worried about having no news "for two-three days," said the same source,
Confirming information from the Republican East.

An autopsy is scheduled for Tuesday at the Forensic Institute of Nancy. The Regional Department of the Judicial Police of Nancy was seized of the investigation.

The victim was known of justice

No weapon was found in the dwelling which was locked at the arrival of the relief

The man, suffering from respiratory insufficiency and medically badisted, was unprofessional and lived alone in a neighborhood near the station. "He was known [de la justice] for delinquency, including narcotics", but these crimes went back to "long enough, at least ten years," said the source.

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