A man suspected of burning his wife with a blowtorch


A police vehicle. (Illustration) – E. Frisullo / 20 Minutes

An inhabitant of Saint-Louis, Alsace, was taken into custody on Tuesday, following the complaint of his daughter who accuses him of violence towards his mother. The man is notably suspected of having used a blowtorch to burn the hair of the victim reported our colleagues of Alsace .

The young woman of about twenty years had the courage to file a complaint after witnessing a new scene of violence on Sunday. According to her, her father, aged 46, seriously injured his woman with the skull by burning it with a blow torch.

Other traces of older burns

In addition to prescribing a temporary interruption of work (ITT) eight days, the doctor who examined the victim found other traces of older violence. Again, it was burns.

The mis en cause was therefore arrested and placed in custody. At the end of it, he was brought before the parquet of Mulhouse. In light of the facts, the magistrate requested the opening of a judicial inquiry for "acts of torture and barbarism". The man was then presented to an examining magistrate and indicted. The public prosecutor's office requested his detention on remand.

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