a new detail unveiled, the madness is getting closer to big


 Call of Cthulhu: a period of release unveiled, the madness is fast approaching

Call of Cthulhu looks creepy wish and, above all, very respectful of the fantastic universe designed by H.P. Lovecraft. And just that, the game Cyanide deserves our attention, especially since the development studio is French! Thus, it is via the Steam page that the news is communicated: the title will be released in autumn 2018 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Admittedly, it is only a window of exit without more precision, but here we are at least a little more fixed. For comparison, his main competitor, The Sinking City (also inspired by the myth of Cthulhu) will land in March 2019, leaving him the field for the end of the year. Be careful not to drown in the mbad, autumn also welcoming some Red Dead Redemption 2 …

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