A new era opens for the Girondins


frédéric laharie

[email protected]

This Friday, July 27, 2018 will be a milestone in the history of the Girondins de Bordeaux. Yesterday, a heavy page of a little more than 19 years has turned for the flagship football club in the region. What had leaked on our southwestern site. fr at the end of the morning was confirmed by an official statement around 5:45 pm: "The M6 ​​Group entered into exclusive negotiations with the GACP investment fund, based in the United States, for the sale of 100% of the FC pole Girondins of Bordeaux.

Technically, the sale will be effective in October, after validation of the transfer of the rent for the Matmut stadium, from the current owner to the new, by the Council of Bordeaux Métropole of 28 September. But do not be deceived: it is the act of cession that was announced by Nicolas de Tavernost, the chairman of the Board of M6. The end of a long suspense, after months of negotiations with the American businessman Joseph DaGrosa (read moreover).

At the castle of Haillan, seat of the club, the atmosphere was heavy and not only in because of the stormy heat. The concern was palpable among the employees (excluding the professional team), most of whom had been for a long time in the Girondins. Nicolas de Tavernost tried hard to rebadure them. "The future owner has committed not to make a social plan, it is written in the document given to the works council. Joseph DaGrosa, who is scheduled to meet them on August 9, then confirmed this by telephone from Paris.

The anxiety of the employees

A few minutes earlier, an informal meeting with the employees present on the site, had summoned hastily to the reception hall of the castle. Some applause flared, emotion was present on both sides. "I wanted to thank them first. Close ties had been established between the M6 ​​group and the club. We do not erase 19 years like that, said Nicolas de Tavernost. For us, it's a tear to sell the club.

This decision is the culmination of a long reflection led by the current owner. For three years that M6 has found that he could not fight in the court of the very big championship of France. In this sense, investments made last summer to buy players for a more than mixed result – 6th at the price of an end-of-season recovery after experiencing a crisis in January – have finally convinced shareholders audiovisual group to "refocus on its core business". Clearly, stop the fees. Especially since the mandate of Nicolas de Tavernost, whose commitment to the Girondins and Bordeaux was for many in the commitment of his company since 1999, at the head of the Board of M6 ends in 2020.

C was the time to sell, too, because the context has rarely been so favorable around French football. Not to mention the title of world champion, the prospect of seeing the TV rights of Ligue 1 exceed one billion after 2020 has ended bringing foreign investors to the Girondins.

The first words of DaGrosa [19659003] Joseph DaGrosa finally managed to convince M6 of the solidity of his project that he began to detail us yesterday enthusiastically: "We studied a lot of French clubs and Bordeaux was quickly at the top of the pile. The story of the Girondins is fantastic, they are known around the world. We have very strong ambitions for the club. On the sporting side, we will help him to become a top team of the French championship. Outside the field, we are going to develop the Bordeaux brand abroad, especially in China and the United States, as most of Europe's leading clubs do. For this, an investment of 80 million is planned over three years.

The other axes of development mentioned by the boss of General American Capitan Partners: what he calls "the academy", that is to say say the training center, the training center and the Matmut stadium that GACP will pay the annual rent following M6: "There is a lot to do with the stadium, we want to develop a win-win strategy with the communities.

Pending the sale, M6 continues to run the club. Then, with the same executive direction or not ("we have not made a decision," said DaGrosa yesterday), a new era will open for the Girondins de Bordeaux.

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