a new heroine completely new announced


At the opening ceremony of Blizzcon 2018, Blizzard unveiled a new hero for his MOBA Heroes of the Storm. So far, the studio offered characters from his already known worlds, Warcraft, StarCraft, Diablo or Overwatch, but this time, she is a completely new heroine: Orphea.

She comes from the nexus – the world of HOTS, and is the heiress of the Raven's court. His announcement comes with a brand new logo for the game, gilded, and nightmarish, suggesting a new era.

The introduction kinematic of the character – visible above – shows in any case a character determined to do good. But to do this, she will have to use chaotic powers. The video gameplay badociated with this announcement shows all the capabilities of Orphea, which shows demons feeding on the lives of opponents or NPCs in the field.

Check out the Orphea gameplay video:

Orphea will be available from November 14 in Heroes of the Storm. Note that Blizzard has developed his lore, and that it can be discovered on the character's official page.

Sylvain Trinel is an editor at IGN France, he became a fan of Fortnite and shows his Top 1 on Twitter.

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