A Norman valley produces 70% of luxury bottles in the world


Le Tréport (France) – With 70 companies employing 7,000 to 8,500 people, the Bresle Valley, bordering Normandy and Hauts-de-France, produces more than 70% of the world's luxury for perfumes, spirits or pharmacy, according to French manufacturers.

" After a very sharp decline in activity for two years, we skyrocketed in 2010 ", summarizes William Varrall, director of Glbad Valley, which federates 70 companies in the Bresle Valley . The valley – spread over about fifty kilometers on the borders of Seine-Maritime, Somme and Oise – is the first world pole of luxury bottles.

From mold makers to decorators to founders and glbadmakers, luxury bottles make work nearly 8,500 people including 60% glbadmakers, with 15 to 20% temporary, a workforce " globally stable since more than 10 years ", for a turnover of 1.5 to 2 billion euros, according to Mr. Varrall.

The CGT speaks instead of 7,000 people with a " erosion " workforce at the option of investment in automation by not replacing departures.

The leaders are Verescence (which employs 1,300 people in France, including more than 800 in Mers-les-Bains (Somme), acquired in 2010 by the American investment fund Oaktree Capital management, the family group Pochet du Courval (1,700 people in France (including 1,400 in Guimerville, Seine-Maritime), or Brosse (300 employees in Vieux-Rouen-sur-Bresle, Seine-Maritime), a subsidiary of the Italian group Zignago.

The sector invests " many "and hiring but it struggles to recruit in the absence of school glbadmakers, according to Mr. Varrall.

" Sector wages are not as much dream as there is 25 years old.The working conditions may be a little better but it remains painful jobs ", whether working near the oven or not, adds the central union representative of the CGT Verescence Ludovic Krzyworzeka

The equation is " more and more complicated " with c a workforce that represents half the turnover, prices " under heavy pressure " and low profitability, says an industrialist.

" It will be necessary that our dear customers, who display mirobolant results, whether LVMH, L'Oreal, etc., be careful to preserve their resources made in France ," adds Mr. Varrall .

According to a report presented in October to the National Assembly, on a bottle sold 100 euros in stores, only three euros are allocated to the entire glbad industry against 25 euros for advertising and marketing, 35 euros minimum to the distribution and 15 euros to the margin of the perfume brand.

On the perfumers' side the decision-making center is concentrated: 80% of the market is held by seven major groups ", says an industrial glbadmaker.

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