A police couple assaulted in Seine-et-Marne


In Othis (Seine-et-Marne), the badault of a police couple took place in a quiet street, in the heart of a residential area, Wednesday, July 4 in the evening. They had just collected their little girl from the nanny and were getting ready to get into their car. The policewoman was badaulted first before her husband was thrown to the ground, where he was hit in the head with several kicks. " The policeman really had a very bad face, they had to go very hard, his face was blue and swollen ," says a neighbor who witnessed the scene.

A suspect was arrested on Friday, July 6 in the morning, and was placed in custody at the police station in Meaux (Seine-et-Marne). According to the first elements of the investigation, the attackers reportedly recognized the policewoman, who had checked them in an incident last May. To be recognized by an offender outside of his service is one of the major risks that police officers may face. Of course we're scared of being recognized Every time we come back from work, I think all the cops do it, we look in the rearview mirror, we change the course, we do tricks roundabout … ", says one of them.

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