A rescue plan for a biodiversity in perdition


Paris (AFP) – The government is leaning Wednesday at the head of a biodiversity that "is dying in silence." But will this new plan of rescue be able to exceed the dramatic statement and answer effectively this crisis?

bees decimated, campaigns emptied of their birds, volatilized insects … the report of an accelerated decline is without appeal.

"Nature is launching us an SOS, a call for help Biodiversity is dying silently," launched in May in Marseille the Minister of ecological transition Nicolas Hulot, announcing the plan whose content must be unveiled, and costed, Wednesday afternoon.

To signify the extent of the commitment, Edouard Philippe will announce the measures surrounded by several ministers, in the Large gallery of the evolution of the National Museum of Natural History.

There will be question of management of plastics , of reduction of the artificialization of soils, of pesticides.

"We will fix the objective of zero net artificialisation of the grounds", promised Nicolas Hulot Tuesday in an interview with the Parisian. "The objective is at least to compensate artificialized surfaces by de-plasticizing equivalent surfaces," said the minister, who is committed to fight against urban sprawl. "The heyday of large superstores is behind us," he says.

The defense of fauna and flora will also involve the creation or extension of "twenty national reserves by the end of the quinquennium, "he said.

Monday, during a Facebook Live alongside the head of government, Nicolas Hulot had already presented a goal of" 100% recycled plastic by 2025 "for this plan.

"Most of the ministers will come with their own contributions, and we will set ourselves in motion so that everyone – political actors, territorial officials, economic actors and citizens – will take a look at biodiversity", he said. he added.

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About 90 measures are expected, at first mind incentive, more than constraining.

According to Le Parisien, a national action plan for the cetacean protection should be put in place as early as this year. Another measure quoted by the daily newspaper: "the communities will have to publish the quantities of pesticides used on their territory". In order to protect the oceans, the plan provides for the "phasing out of 12 single-use plastic products found most often on the beaches" such as straws or tufts …

Edouard Philippe himself explains for some time that he is pbadionate about the theme of the "collapse" of societies, which has become a "pretty haunting issue" since he read Jared Diamond's best-selling bestseller.

The book, which "opens the eyes", "describes cases where companies face the risk of collapse "because they do not take enough into account the limits of their environment," he explained last week at a forum on agriculture.

For " to stop the silent disappearance of biodiversity ", he confirmed, at this same forum, the ban of glyphosate in its main uses by 2021 and for all uses within 5 years.

As planned since 2016, the use of neonicotinoids will be prohibited at September 1st (with possible exemptions). And "we support an extension of ban" to products of the same family, he added.

On July 10, dozens of companies will be invited to affirm their commitment to biodiversity, to the occasion of the event "act4nature"

But will all this be up to it? Biodiversity is not at its first "plan": there was the national strategy 2011-2020 with its twenty objectives, the environmental conferences of the Netherlands, the law for the reconquest of the biodiversity of 2016 … And In parallel, the process of negotiations and international commitment.

Each time, diagnoses are made, announced measures, some of which are implemented faster than expected, such as the ban on pesticides in public spaces. [19659002Whenthegovernmentannouncesa"pause"inmajorinfrastructureprojectsandabandonsNotre-Dame-des-LandesitsupportsthewestringroadofStrasbourgorthemegacomplexcommercialEuropaCitynearParis

At the same time , nature, source of food, medicines … loses in cash and space. And the movement is accelerating

For the defenders of the living, it is necessary to engage a radical change of models, agricultural as urbanistic, and of deep reforms, fiscal in particular. The only way in their view is to counteract the impact of man, which, in the words of Minister Hulot, has become "a weapon of mbad destruction during life."

 The Obs

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