a school and a multipurpose hall ravaged by fires


Two public buildings were ravaged by fires in Paris in the night from Friday to Saturday: a nursery school located at Gagny in Seine-Saint-Denis and a multipurpose room in Groslay, common Val-d'Oise, learned AFP from concordant sources. In Gironde, a primary school was also partially destroyed by fire.

>> Read also – Gironde: fire in a primary school

In Gagny, the fire broke out around 02:00 in the morning Victor Hugo kindergarten, which "burned down completely," said a police source. The police took more than an hour to end the disaster, said the source. No casualties.

The origin of the fire is unknown at the moment. Technicians of the scientific police were to go there to make findings.

Half of the roof of a multipurpose room destroyed

In Groslay, small town of Val-d'Oise, it is the room versatile which was partly destroyed by fire around 1:30 in the morning. According to the first elements, "four garbage cans stuck to the wall were burned" and the fire spread to the building, said a source close to the case. The facade and the mezzanine were damaged and the "half of the roof was destroyed," the firefighters said.

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