While Masahiro Sakurai announced to unveil all the characters of the roster of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and we all left in suspense with a hidden mode, the hour of revelations is fast approaching.
This news comes from Gaming INTEL, a website that has correctly reported the date of previous Nintendo Direct telling us one of his new details on the Nintendo ad event related to the flagship game this end of the year, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, still scheduled for December 7, 2018.
If we believe the sources trusting the team of Gaming INTEL, the next Nintendo Direct planned again would be a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct (which is not going to surprise a lot), moreover this direct would be supposed to be diffused the week of November 5th.
Taking into account that the Nintendo Direct are broadcast on Thursdays, logically according to this information the date of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct would be Thursday 8 November 2018.
This announcement seems logical, the game coming out barely a month later and the period of Christmas shopping with Black Friday, a communication on bundles boarding the game with the console would not hurt the sales of the latter.
This information is obviously to be taken with tweezers but the probability that the direct arrives at this time is highly likely, especially since the sources of Gaming INTEL have not made any mistakes.
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