A Tesla / Daimler collaboration again possible?


Daimler could again collaborate with Tesla. Answering the questions of the Polish daily newspaper Rzeczpospolita, Dieter Zetsche, the boss of the German manufacturer said he did not exclude "cooperation in the future".

Towards a new cooperation with Tesla?

So there would be only fools who do not change their minds …. since in 2014, Daimler had separated from his Tesla shares. But, says Dieter Zetsche, he has "never regretted" their sales … and this, even if since the title Tesla flew away.

Now things have changed … or rather the market: the Mercedes EQC announces itself as a new competitor for the Model X.

Citing the possibility that Tesla and Daimler are working together again, Dieter Zetsche added however that the German group did not plan to buy Tesla shares.

The boss of Daimler indicates indeed prefer that the two companies remain competitors, in the sense that the competition obliges the companies to imagine better products and methods of productions, by favoring a certain emulation.

Economists believe that a competition policy helps boost entrepreneurship and productivity, broaden the offer for consumers, lower prices and improve the quality of goods and services.

According to Dieter Zetsche, a competition between Tesla and Daimler "will be a good thing for the automotive market, which is already clearly prepared for electrification".

Zetsche's words to moderate?

Daimler, however, made it clear that Zetsche's comments were made at a Paris Motor Show round table, in response to a question from a journalist asking him about the feasibility of such a scenario.
and that there was no intention for the moment to explore the possibilities of cooperation with Tesla. Recall that the boss of Daimler has already announced that he will give way in 2019.

Daimler former shareholder of Tesla

Daimler returns to the capital of Tesla in 2009. The financial crisis that hits the whole planet then shakes dangerously the American manufacturer. In such a context, the German group decides to inject nearly 50 million dollars into Tesla and thus acquires 9% of the capital of the company. This will tell Elon Musk that Daimler has saved his business.

In 2014, Daimler resells its stake in Tesla. The transaction allows the German group to pocket a nice sum of 780 million dollars. To compare with the 50 million initially invested … 5 years earlier.

Dieter Zetsche made it clear that the purchase of the Tesla shares was a Daimler commitment to show the market that he believed in the future of the electric car.
But, he adds, as the share price of Tesla flew, the German manufacturer has preferred to withdraw. Not wishing to trade his job as an automotive specialist for trading activities.

Daimler / Tesla: a technical collaboration

If now Tesla and Daimler could enter front competition on high-end electric vehicles, there was a time when the two manufacturers went hand in hand.

In 2011, the German manufacturer formalizes an extensive collaboration with the American company. Objective: to work together to develop the electric version of the B-Clbad.

In particular, Tesla will supply the transmission lines of the Mercedes vehicle and supply the German manufacturer with electric powertrains for Smart and Clbad B.

The collaboration between the two manufacturers will definitely end in 2016.

Sources: Reuters, Electrek, Daimler, New York Times

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