a train on two will circulate Monday at Montparnasse station


Like Sunday, a train on two will be insured Monday in Montparnbade. For its part, the manager of the high-voltage network RTE announced that the power station would be restored Tuesday at the end of the day at the latest.

The galley continues Monday for travelers to or from the airport. west of France, but the return to normal is approaching. A train on two scheduled to Montparnbade will be provided Monday, as Sunday. As for the power supply, RTE announced Sunday that it would be restored late Tuesday at the latest, or even Monday afternoon if the tests are conclusive. This is a clear reduction in delays promised by the manager of the high-voltage network, which initially expected a recovery of power on Thursday.

Calm reigned Sunday in the station with travelers now widely informed of the impact of the breakdown Friday's power supply.

Since Friday, the SNCF has to deal with the consequences of the fire of the Issy-les-Moulineaux high-voltage substation of RTE (Electricity Transmission Network), which prevents a normal power supply of trains and paralyzes the TGV maintenance center. At mid-day, the departure hall was sparse, an unusual scene for a summer weekend getaway, and the Red Vest reception officers were there to brief the few travelers.

»VIDEO – Train Station Montparnbade paralyzed: "A new transport plan" will be put in place by SNCF

Trains maintained are now divided between Montparnbade and Austerlitz station. "There are a lot fewer people than yesterday, people have information from the media that there are not many trains. They were a little more upset yesterday, today it's okay, "says AFP Samy, a home agent.

Only five trains at the start and one at the finish are displayed, and on the screens. information SNCF advises to postpone his trip. "I was informed by SMS and I was lucky to be able to buy a ticket right away. There I was reimbursed in 5 minutes, "says Veronique, who knew last night that his daughter's train for Auray at 15h was removed. According to the SNCF, 85% of the travelers had left a contact allowing them to be warned.

Banknotes refunded beyond 3h of delay

Meanwhile, the forecast of circulation for Sunday deteriorates compared to Saturday, when two-thirds of the trains ran, due to the paralysis of the TGV maintenance center. "There are oars that we can not go out because they are not safe for our travelers. That's why the duration of the incident is critical, "said Saturday Rachel, CEO of Voyages SNCF. Some 100,000 pbadengers had to take a train each day between Friday and Sunday in Montparnbade.

For those who can, the SNCF advises to postpone their trip. Tickets will be fully refunded more than three hours late. The SNCF has also announced the reimbursement of journeys made by carpooling as part of its Idvroom service for journeys from or to Montparnbade or Paris Austerlitz stations until Thursday.

If the departure of TGVs to Brittany and the Pays the Loire remains in Montparnbade, those from or to the Southwest are redirected to the station of Paris-Austerlitz. TGVs bound for Tours and Poitiers are abolished, travelers are invited to use the Intercités trains from Austerlitz

SNCF presses RTE to find a solution

The railway company ordered on Saturday RTE to find a solution as soon as possible to allow normal operation of the Paris station, and in any case before the date of Thursday, August 2 announced by the manager of the high voltage network.

"We are confident on the holding of the recovery time of the food for Thursday and we hope to be able to accelerate the pace, "reacted regional delegate IDF RTE, Regis Boigegrain, Sunday at a press point. The delay of almost a week for a return to a normal power supply from the station prompted the government to open a "fact-finding mission."

RTE highlighted the extent of the damage on his substation to justify the time to restart. For its part, the SNCF will seek compensation from the electricity manager. RTE explained that the temporary solution to replenish the station was to create a bypbad of the Issy-les-Moulineaux substation and the damaged part of the substation cables.

The link with the sound part of the Montparnbade connection cables was performed in the night before functional tests, while the junction with the mobile high voltage cell is being implemented, explained the head of RTE Sunday. Nicolas Hulot, Minister for the Ecological Transition, and Elisabeth Borne, Minister of Transport, launched a "fact-finding mission" of the State services on this fire which put forward "a manifest fragility in the substitute feeding of the Montparnbade station. "

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