A wind turbine collapses in Beauce


This is an extremely rare accident: a wind turbine collapsed on Tuesday morning in the Beauce. This happened between Guigneville and Charmont-en-Beauce in a park that has fifteen wind turbines. The steel craft, which is 90 meters high and weighs 50 tons, crashed on the ground without hurting or striking another aircraft. EDPR France, which operates these wind turbines, is currently unaware of the causes of the fall. She dispatched engineers on site. An investigation is also opened by the gendarmerie of Neuville aux bois …

"This is an extremely rare accident, this is the first time we are faced with this type of situation

This is an unprecedented and perplexing vision, Patrick Simon, CEO of EDPR France: "It's an extremely rare accident, it's the first time we're faced with this kind of situation, it's necessarily a combination of parameters, necessarily a cascade of events, there are many barriers that have been If you have to go through it, you have to understand why it happened, it's not possible that it was an isolated event that caused the fall. "

Another view of the onshore wind turbine - None
Another view of the wind turbine ashore

An unexplained windfall

How could this machine collapse in this way in the early morning? This is all the more surprising as no gust of wind has been recorded in the area. "Checks are regularly done," explains Patrick Simon, CEO of EDPR France, "Alarms indicated that an event was happening, which allowed us to get there quickly." Everything is recorded, detectors are installed on the machines, "Thousands of information is permanently recorded on each wind turbine." And these are all operating parameters that will be studied by the experts.

This is not an act of vandalism, the gendarmerie has excluded a criminal act

"On arriving there, we immediately thought of an act of vandalism, a voluntary act, but approaching the wind turbine, we immediately understood with the gendarmes that it was a other problem, " says Patrick Simon.

The precautionary principle is applied

The whole area has been secured, the distance is 500 meters between each wind turbine. "It's about applying the precautionary principle, we know that zero risk does not exist," adds Patrick Simon, the director of EDPR. There are nine wind turbines on the first line, the second one has six. The company decided to put all all wind turbines stationary while waiting to know the causes of this collapse and commits to communicate the results of the expertises as soon as they are finished. The gendarmerie of Neuville-aux-Bois is also in charge of the investigation.

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