a woman rescued by her neighbors after jumping out of a window


It is a Sunday morning whose neighborhood of a district of Quintin (Côtes-d'Armor) will be remembered a long time. On July 22, late morning, several people are alerted by the cries of a woman obviously frightened and frightened, as told West France . It turns out that she is desperately trying to escape her husband, who is intoxicated and wants to physically attack her.

In the process of finding solutions, she decides to jump out the window from the apartment located on the first floor. Her neighbors then came to her rescue, installing a mattress on the floor so that she could get herself without much pain.

The woman is still injured in the legs by jumping and must be taken to the hospital. Saint-Brieuc, while the gendarmes open the door of the apartment by a locksmith to challenge the violent individual, who was then placed in custody. An inquiry has been opened

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