A zoo sells a call to find a stolen monkey


The animal, which belongs to a protected species, must be brought back "within 72 hours". Beyond that, his chances of survival are almost nil.

"We have to be brought back within 72 hours, and beyond that, there will be nothing left to do." Sébastien Laurent, director of Natur'Zoo Mervent, Vendée, has launched an appeal this weekend in the columns of Ouest-France. Purpose: to find a Goeldi tamarin, a small monkey belonging to a protected species, which was stolen from the zoo.

Complaint filed. Park staff found the lock of the broken aviary and the missing animal. It was probably stolen Friday late afternoon. "I think we're dealing more with stupidity than with an organized network," said Sébastien Laurent. A complaint was filed Saturday to the gendarmerie and the zoo has also activated on social networks. On Facebook, he recalled that Goeldi's tamarind "requires a special diet", which explains why its chances of survival are meager outside the zoo.

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