Abandoned, Dead Space 4 survived in a semi-open world – News


After disappointing sales and the closure of the Visceral Games studio, the Dead Space series seems lost in space and has not given us news since 2013. Before dying out, its historical developer was still working on a fourth horrifying experience.

Our colleagues from Eurogamer had the opportunity to meet with Creative Director Ben Wanat, who joined Crystal Dynamics since, and learned what the Dead Space 4 prototype was like. Wanat explained that the team wanted to keep their hands on the traditional narrative of the game, while proposing a less linear structure.

The idea was that you try to survive the infested ships day after day, you are looking for signs of life, resources for your own ship. (…) The pbadage of the flotilla in Dead Space 3 gave us an idea of ​​what a non-linear gameplay could represent, and I would have loved to deepen that. (…) The ships you would visit would be very diverse. The Ishimura gave an overview of this variety with its different levels; but imagine a whole set of ships, each with their function, their structure, their mechanics of gameplay.

Ben Wanat has entrusted other projects, like the fact that necromorphs can follow us in space, or that episode changes heroes, to put us for example in Ellie Langford's boots. Interesting, the specifications should not see the light as it is, but the designer hopes however a return of the saga: "You never know One day maybe someone will look at the old EA catalog and say: what happened to Dead Space? Maybe we should make it come back ".

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