abandonment of Vincenzo Nibali, who suffers from a fractured vertebra


The former winner of the Tour managed to finish the 12th stage after a fall in the ascent of Alpe d'Huez. But he had to be transferred to the Grenoble hospital for further tests.

The Italian Vincenzo Nibali is forced to abandon the Tour de France. The runner suffers from a fractured vertebrae after his fall in the 12th stage, Thursday, July 19, at the Alpe d'Huez (Isère). The rider went to take additional exams at the Grenoble hospital after consulting the medical center of the Tour, near the finish. The diagnosis confirmed the fears of the Bahrain team doctor, Emilio Magni

Vincenzo Nibali fell heavily four kilometers from the finish, in a certain confusion. The images show smoke, motorcycles and the public near the Sicilian at the time of the accident.

"[Romain] Bardet was ahead with 10 seconds in advance, with motorcycles between him and the group yellow jersey explained Vincenzo Nibali When [Christopher] Froome accelerated, I followed but there was immediately after a slowdown and I found myself on the ground.I did not understand what happened. " The former winner of the Tour de France still took the bike and finished the stage in 7th place, just 13 seconds behind the winner, the Welshman Geraint Thomas.

After the finish, his team unsuccessfully requested that he be clbadified in the time of the group to which he belonged at the time of the incident. The request was based on the precedent of Christopher Froome dating from the stage Ventoux Tour 2016, after a fall caused by a motorcycle. In the general clbadification, the "Messina Shark" is in 4th place 2'37 "behind Thomas. "I had good feelings, my legs were doing very well My first attack was to test my opponents concluded the Italian But I planned to try even more near the finish. "

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