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Eric Abidal's cousin-donor reacted to the new controversy surrounding the liver transplant suffered by the current Barça player.
Gerard Armand, to whom a part of the liver was taken to transplant him in 2012 to his cousin Éric Abidal, former player and current sports director of FC Barcelona, affirmed Friday n to have touched "not a centime" for this organ donation and not to understand the controversy.
"How can one wonder about this? I simply gave my organ to save a member of my family. I did not think. It was a good action, as simple as anyone would to help a sick relative " he explained in an interview at the Dépêche du Midi .
The Spanish public prosecutor's office announced on Monday that it has reopened the liver transplant investigation, which benefited footballer Éric Abidal, at the time defending FC Barcelona, after the publication of information on a possible trafficking of organs.
This decision comes as the Spanish Organization for Organ Donation (ONT) declared in mid-July the Abidal Registry "in accordance with the law" . Cousin quite distant from the player, Gerard Armand, returns on how it was contacted for this donation.
"Simply by Eric's wife. After his operation in 2011 of a liver tumor, the disease quickly reappeared. The only solution according to the doctors from what I was told was to perform a transplant " he explained.
Then, this donor who had crossed the player only in family reunions and did not see him much later, spent a lot of psychological tests and compatibility. Then the operation was carried out.
He had an ultrasound done
But, with the birth of the controversy, "by dint of reading the shenanigans on the traffic" he wondered "if one had not opened it for nothing" . So he did an ultrasound. And it is now certain that he was "well taken the right lobe of (s) one liver" .
For Gerard Armand, who moved from Lyon to Toulouse, it is important to emphasize that this operation did not bring him anything: "to be very transparent, I even have financial problems that I have settled with my wife and my banker ".
As for the investigation opened by the Barcelona Public Prosecutor's Office on the transplant, the donor is willing to collaborate. "I will answer all the questions. I have nothing to hide. I just want to be left alone " he badured.
With AFP
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