Abusers of a couple of heavily convicted police officers


They beat a police couple out of their service last week. Two brothers were sentenced to four-and-a-half years and three-and-a-half years in prison respectively.

Le Monde
 • Updated



The architecture of the Meaux Penal Court (Seine-et-Marne), well-rounded, seems to have been designed to soften frontal oppositions. It was wasted time, Wednesday, July 11, during a trial in which the dialogue was impossible between the parties. Two brothers, aged 24 and 27, were on trial for striking a police couple in Othis a week earlier. The eldest was sentenced to six years in prison including a year and a half suspended, the youngest at four years of which six months suspended. Both have been detained pending a possible appeal trial

What happened on the evening of 4 July? To this central question, some certainties by way of answer, but especially two versions remained irreconcilable at the hearing. In the built-in section, the two brothers drove by car when they met the two young police officers, who had just recovered their 3-year-old daughter from her nanny. Established too, the brutality of blows. It was enough to convince oneself to observe the policeman's swollen left eye, his right ear with exploded cartilage and his neck brace. Or to listen to the president of the court list the medical findings and total incapacity for work prescribed for the young woman – four days – and her companion – two weeks.

See also:
          Police attacked in Seine-et-Marne: the two suspects incarcerated before their trial

"Feeling of total impunity"

For the rest, on the reasons for this rise in violence, the stories of the protagonists contradict each other. After being held in custody, the eldest, Frédéric Oliveira, the nervous look in his tracksuit of Portugal, told in a few words the meeting of July 4, a few meters from his family home. The tall blonde with a sporty look, he knows her having crossed at controls in Aulnay-sous-Bois, Seine-Saint-Denis, where she works and where he grew up. He has also known for a few months that she lives in Othis. According to him, that night, the couple would have arrested him, accusing him of having delivered to other people the address of the policewoman. Anthony, shoulders and arms of mover – his profession – would have just intervened to lend a hand to Frederick and defend him. The blows would have gone to "to separate" his brother from the policeman.

The young woman denies having stopped the two men by car. "Their remarks are ridiculous she says at the bar. We were returning from holidays, we were in flip-flops. She and her companion say that Frédéric Oliveira launched them, among other insults: "Barbie, it's not over, we'll bad you! " " It looks like they are accusing us of being the authors, it's crazy lamented the police officer in court. I do not know if they realize.

No real excuse

In his indictment, the prosecutor sees in these events a "Magnanville effect" the name of this town of Yvelines where a policeman and his companion had been stabbed in June 2016. He denounces "a feeling of total impunity" and growing incivilities about the police: "Police officers victims of violence in the context of their activities, we have moved on to another phase, where they are targets in their private lives. The consequences could have been much more dramatic, he said, asking for four years in prison including one year suspended sentence against Frédéric Oliveira, already convicted of willful violence in 2014 and therefore in a state of legal recidivism, and three years, including six months suspended for Anthony Oliveira

See also:
                Macron and Collomb denounce the badault of a couple in plain clothes

The court finally proved even more severe. Should we see this as a consequence of the attitude of the two brothers, who are not inclined to express repentance? Because of real excuse, there was not. The lawyer for the two defendants argued that her clients had not tried to flee during their arrest, and that, in large part, they did not contest the acts of violence. But above all, she criticized a botched investigation, against him, and denounced before the magistrates a "exceptional justice" a climate "David against Goliath" evoking the many hot reactions of policies. As early as July 5, the President of the Republic had tweeted that he did not find "no words hard enough for the ignominy and cowardice of the two thugs" .

After the hearing, before a dozen cameras, she added: "This file is com to extinguish the fire Nantes. An allusion to the death of a 22-year-old man in Nantes, killed by a policeman in still-troubled circumstances, on July 3, the day before the events of Othis.

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