accused of wanting to bury the case, the government responds


Is the government trying to bury the investigation of babies born without arms? The investigations conducted by Public Health France, a body under the supervision of the Ministry of Health, have stopped. Two former ministers of Ecology, Delphine Batho and Corinne Lepage, have accused the executive of wanting to smother the case, during a press conference, reports The Parisian. "What do we want to hide?" wondered Delphine Batho, according to statements reported by the daily. "The attitude of Public Health France in this case is inadmissible.Why do not we seek the truth in this file?" Asked Corinne Lepage.

Guest of RTL this Friday, October 19, the new Minister of Agriculture, Didier Guillaume, responds to these accusations. "It's about not choking anything (…) It's up to scientists to prove or not that there are consequences (pesticides on these malformations, note)The Minister reiterated Emmanuel Macron's pledge on the end of glyphosate by the end of the five-year period.

"There may be suspicions but there is no scientific proof," said the former socialist. According to information from ParisianEmmanuelle Amar, epidemiologist of the malformation registry in the Rhône-Alpes, should be fired from the badociation with five people working alongside him. She started the alert about babies born without arms. "I do not know the record of this badociation"responded Didier Guillaume on RTL.

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