Activate today the new interface of Chrome on macOS


Google is putting the finishing touches to the redesign of the desktop version of Chrome, the first since a long time ago (the browser has incorporated elements of Material Design specifications over time). The Canary version of Chrome 69 puts a strong brushstroke on buttons, omnibox, tabs, …

Up, Chrome 67. Bottom, Chrome Canary 69.

The result is rounder and lighter, it must be done but users of Chrome should appreciate (or not). This new interface is enabled by default in Windows, Linux, and Chrome OS versions. Mac users, do not panic, follow the guide (do not forget to download Chrome Canary first):

  • select option Refresh flag chrome: // flags / # top -chrome-md ;
  • activate the flag chrome: // flags / # views-browser-windows .

Since Canary is the alpha version of the browser for developers, it will take a little while before this redesign of the interface makes its appearance for the general public.

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