After the car, the Metropolis welcomes a bike-sharing offer


This is another map in the range of mobility proposed in the Grenoble metropolis. A month ago was launched the Yea !, the self-service car that can "take here and park there" in the words of Martin Lesage, director of Citiz Alpes-Loire. From July 23, it is his bike equivalent that landed in Grenoble, this time by the company Indigo Weel which has already equipped six French cities. "This is a complementary offer to that of Métrovélo which is still the first public bike rental service in France," said yesterday Yann Mongaburu, president of the TCMS. Indigo Weel is an occasional, more casual use, in complementarity with public transport, car, multimodality. "With a clear rule:" Respect the code of the street and not park them (or move) on the sidewalk.

This new offer in Isère could be enriched in the future by a similar offer of electric bikes and electric scooters. A test to this effect will be carried out in Toulouse in the year by the company.

To read in the editions Sud-Isère of this Thursday

By J.-B.V. |
                                                Posted on 19/07/2018 at 06:08

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