Agde: a woman stabbed by her husband


Macabre discovered this Tuesday, July 10 in Agde. Police found the body of a woman at home, several times stabbed by her husband.

The police went to the couple's home after being alerted by the girl's daughter, living in the United Kingdom. United and worried that his parents no longer answer the phone.

The police met the man, aged 54, in the street. He badured them that everything was fine but was won when the police wanted to check that his wife, teacher, was present. According to a source close to the investigation, the husband had to be handcuffed and locked in the police car.

The cat also killed

In the pavilion, the body of the woman was found under a sheet. Put on this one, the body of the family cat, also killed. The murder of the woman, stabbed several times, would date back to two days according to sources close.

In front of the police, the husband of the victim acknowledged the facts. He was taken into custody at the police station in Agde.

The police of the technical and scientific police arrived there in the early afternoon to make the first samples.

The SRPJ was charged of the investigation

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