AIM slaughterhouse in Sainte-Cécile condemned to closure


" AIM is dead, dare I say ", said sadly on Wednesday Elise Brand, the lawyer of the employees of the manchoir slaughterhouse, at the end of the court hearing of Rouen, " the decision is an immediate liquidation with a continuation of activity only to allow to deliver our customers this week, until Sunday ".

Three years earlier, employees Normans had managed to save their society. Today, they were no longer masters of their destiny, a destiny that depended only on a potential buyer. On the eve of the hearing of the commercial court of Rouen there remained only one offer of recovery, that of a group of breeders Côtes d'Armor who committed to retain 184 of 237 employees but who appeared very fragile.

On Wednesday morning, the Breton candidates announced that they were withdrawing their takeover bid. " It's not a question of bad will, on the contrary, all the elements were gathered for this project to work but once again, it is a lack of funding from private banks "lamented Elise Brand," no one wants to invest in a different agricultural model, a model where ranchers can earn money, a model where quality is made, something other than sub- "

The employees, who could not attend the hearing, had to learn the sad news this Wednesday around 17 hours at a general meeting held in the garage of the slaughterhouse of Sainte -Cécile. " It's a fight that ends but other fights will begin ", explains Elise Brand, " We are in liquidation, that means that the employees will be deprived of a plan for safeguarding employment, the social plan, measures to help internal and external reclbadification, but we can do things and it is necessary, they are employees who have a lot of seniority, who are in a very badly damaged region It has been agreed that all the recovery of the receivables, all the badets that can be recovered, will be invested in the plan of safeguarding the employment, it is the engagement which was taken . "

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