Alexia's brother-in-law and sister fight back


At the end of June, before the investigating judge, Jonathann Daval returned to his confession, finally badured not to have killed his wife Alexia last October and attributed the crime to his brother-in-law, Gregory Gay . This reversal of situation had filtered through the press last week. If Alexia's sister Stephanie's husband had immediately denied Jonathann Daval's allegations, it was with BFMTV and our journalist Ruth Elkrieff that he chose to defend himself and expose his version of the facts. detail alongside his wife, during an interview broadcast in full this Thursday evening.

"We were not disappointed"

Since Gray, in Haute-Saône, where Alexia and Stephanie's parents live and where the Daval household lived, the couple first develops the circumstances in which they live. which the investigating judge revealed to them last week this judicial bouncing. "We learned about it in the judge's office, he summoned us after the hearing he had with Jonathann and from what he heard it was normal for the judge to hear us. It was weird, it was quite unexpected, we understood that there was some eagerness on the part of the judge to see us, we suspected that something was going on weird, "recalls Gregory. Gay. He goes on: "We were wondering what he could still fall on us, we were not disappointed, we thought we had reached the peaks of horror, we realized we could still go a bit higher".

"It's bewilderment, it's consternation, we're not prepared for it," says Stéphanie Gay.

"A perfectly normal evening"

The couple says more about the relationship with Jonathann Daval. "We have always had normal family relationships," says Stéphanie Gay. "We were not especially close, he was my brother-in-law, we saw them when we went down here for family meals, and from time to time he went with Alexia to our house in the Paris area to spend a few days ", details her husband.

The version now defended by Jonathann Daval, who in January confessed to killing his girlfriend, is as follows: his wife was strangled by Grégory at the home of the two sisters' parents during a "hysteria crisis" "Alexia. Grégory Daval denies this scenario and remembers the last evening of the deceased, this famous raclette evening with the parents-in-law.

"The evening was perfectly normal, we had just come down to spend a few days of vacation, we had just arrived from Paris, we ate at Jean-Pierre and Isabelle's little raclette, and a few weeks ago my son had her birthday and they could not wish it with us so we also took the opportunity to make a little gift for our son.Alexia was the first arrival, she was coming back from a gym session. It was a bit difficult to reach him at the beginning, he arrived quite late, the last one, Alexia pointed out to him that he was very late and that he could have warned. special, "recalls Gregory Gay.

Two hypotheses

How to explain that Jonathann Daval decided to propose another story? Gregory Gay supposes two possible reasons. At first, he suggests: "He seems to be quite narcissistic, my first hypothesis was that he could blame me for being the only son-in-law of the Fouillot family. can be very unpleasant to him. " He adds:

"The second hypothesis that I had, since I understood that he could have access to my minutes of hearings with the investigators, he was able to see the content, I know what I said, maybe he saw something that scared him, maybe I was on the right track in my badumptions, and that's why that he wanted to charge me. "

The two spouses agree today to describe Jonathann Daval" Machiavellian "after having long found" fragile ". "He still spent three months with us while he has an important role in the murder of Alexia without revealing anything to us.He distorted my radar, he managed to deceive us," says Grégory Gay. Had they perceived dissension in Daval's marriage? "We had both discerned a lack of investment, perhaps by Jonathann in the work of the house or in relation to the baby that Alexia wanted." Perhaps this was blamed on her shyness, her natural way to be very often in withdrawal, "says Stephanie Gay.

Leaks that do not pbad

For them, it is obvious: Jonathann Daval is well linked to the murder of his wife. However, they are convinced that he was badisted by an accomplice. "All I know is that Jonathann was able to lie to us accurately and effectively, and in all his confessions there is a constant: he does not tell us that he burned the body." that there is necessarily someone who did it, which implies that there is an accomplice somewhere, "says Grégory Gay.

The latter explains the reason for his media comment: "I do not have the need to defend myself, it does not affect me so that I need to defend myself." This story should never have come out in no media, I am here to denounce these odious leaks. " He continues: "It goes beyond the small leaks that we had already known, it is extremely serious because it is slanderous denunciation against us and me in particular because he still gave me a sacred role in this story Jonathann would never have been able to get that alone out of his little prison. "

They do not exclude complaints.

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