The Mexico X018 has enabled Playground Games to announce "Fortune Island", the first major DLC of Forza Horizon 4. According to Ben Thaker-Fell, lead designer of the series, this expansion will take "players in a new adventure in the northern British Isles, where they will face electrical storms, cliff-edge dirt tracks and slippery laces on the mountainside under the mystical glow of the northern lights in search of a hidden treasure."Expected for December 13, the add-on is obviously part of the Ultimate edition of the game (99.99 €) which includes all the downloadable packs provided by Playground Games, but also the batch of extensions (34, 99 €) Note that Xbox Games Pbad subscribers will receive a 10% discount on these lots or on Fortune Island alone.
Moreover, we learn that we will soon be able to slip into the controls "of five custom Ford cars for Ken Block from next GymkhanaTEN, 10th episode of the series of viral videos rewarded by awards. The cars began to be available at the beginning of the month for Car Pbad holders with the 1977 Ford GymkhanaTEN, the F-150 Hoonitruck and the 1993 Ford Escort Cosworth Group. In November, all players will be able to experience the Ford Hoonicorn Mustang V2. 1965 and the 2017 Ford Fiesta RS, before taking the wheel of the 2016 Ford GymkhanaTEN Focus RS RX in December."We let you watch all that in videos.
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