Already complicated, constitutional revision pending after Benalla case


The review of the revision, which was at its eleventh day in a row, will resume "later in more serene conditions."

The hemicycle was in a state of "seat" since the revelations of World on the former collaborator of the Head of State, according to the terms of a elected Republic on the Move (LRM). Seriously, the Keeper of the Seals Nicole Belloubet announced late morning the suspension of work and wished that the review of the revision, which was on its eleventh day in a row, resume "later in conditions more serene ".

A decision that was applauded by MPs of all stripes before the adjournment of the meeting, whereas since the morning, the " recalls to the rules " were again succeeded, reaching since Thursday the record number of 298.

See also:
                Benalla case: the mute executive, the majority paralyzed

The opposition had been arguing for nearly three days that it was impossible to debate such a constitutional text "in the midst of this deep crisis" . The majority, after a closed meeting on Saturday night, had declared "do not let go" . It finally took "to end the circus" claimed a source in the majority, in view of the unprecedented situation of blockage "of all opposition groups" .

MP LRM Sacha Houlié, however, refuses to see a political defeat for the majority against the opposition:

"What did they win? Nothing. We sat every day in the National Assembly while some people wanted us to stop on Friday night. We did not let up on the date of the hearing of the Minister of the Interior. We tried until the end to resume work.

The president of the Nouvelle Gauche group in the Assembly, Valérie Rabault, believes, for his part, that the suspension of work: "The oppositions as a whole have clearly marked the point, but it is not not a victory.

The reform questioned

Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI) congratulated on Twitter this setting "in the freezer" of the text, castigating the "Nickel plated feet" of "Macronie" .

And there are already some voices calling for an outright withdrawal of the reform, which includes a reduction in the number of parliamentarians and a proportional 15%. Denouncing "hyperpresidentialization" several found in the Benalla case an additional argument to reject a text that "weakens the Parliament" the Socialist Olivier Faure seeing the illustration of the "Danger of leaving an all-powerful executive" .

See also:
                Benalla case: the review of the constitutional revision suspended until further notice

Pierre Dharréville, spokesman of the Communist deputies, does not see what could justify "a new increase of the powers of the president" . The reform is now "null and void" says Sébastien Huyghe (LR).

In a statement, the patron of senators LR Bruno Retailleau, he called the government "to review his copy " by considering that Emmanuel Macron " can not decently " defend such a project, which was supposed to arrive at the Palais du Luxembourg in September

Collomb, only minister heard [19659010] Monday, will be marked by the hearing of Gerard Collomb the morning by the commission of Laws, endowed with the prerogatives of investigation. Several members of the opposition would also like to interview even the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, but also the Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe or the Secretary of State for relations with Parliament, Christophe Castaner.

Read also :
                Benalla: Gerard Collomb, the weak man of the case

Ms. Rabault wrote to the Prime Minister to ask him to appear before the National Assembly. It received for answer only one "acknowledgment of Mr. Castaner" . On the side of France Insoumise also, one calls for the arrival of Mr. Philippe. The ministers do not speak either, which shows the anti-democratic character of the current institutions. On the other hand, he can answer to the commission of inquiry ", supports Alexis Corbière, deputy LFI of Seine-Saint-Denis.

Ugo Bernalicis, member of the commission of the Laws, which will become the commission of investigation, maintains its request to be able to hear the President of the Republic. " It is not noted anywhere that he can not come before the commission. He can refuse but nothing prevents him from coming, "he estimates.

Uncertain calendar

What about the parliamentary calendar? A "dense fog" reigns, we find in the majority. After the hearing of Mr. Collomb Monday morning, the debates resume at 4 pm, on the bill "professional future" . In principle, the text asylum-immigration, carried by Mr. Collomb, is also on the menu as of Wednesday.

M. de Rugy must consult the group presidents and the government to organize the debates "next two weeks" by the summer break.

See also:
                Jean-Luc Mélenchon: "This case is at the level of Watergate"

As for the reform, Mrs. Belloubet badured that the government would be "always there to defend our Constitution and make it evolve" the president of the Assembly François de Rugy (LRM) also promising everything to make her "successful" .

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