Altice Europe reorganises its management team


The media and telecom group Altice Europe announced Wednesday the strengthening of its board of directors and an evolution of its management team. In detail, the board of directors will include two new directors without executive functions, Nicolas Paulmier and Philippe Besnier, from November 20th. Dennis Okhuijsen, appointed advisor for Altice Europe, particularly on financing issues, will become vice chairman of the board of directors while Dexter Goei, managing director of Altice USA, is no longer part of it.

This exit of Mr. Goei, one of the right arm of the owner of Altice, Patrick Drahi, the council does not testify to any reorganization within the group but of "an evolution", and follows from the split between the activities American and European sources, according to a source familiar with the matter. In January, the group chose to separate its European activities from those in the United States, saying it wants to maintain its ability to act across the Atlantic.

Finally, Malo Corbin is head of the financial management of Altice Europe and Jerome Bonnin becomes an adviser to Altice Europe in particular for the development of the group's activities.

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