Always secret but already public, the government in tightrope walk with Cap 22


Paris – As if nothing had happened, the government continues to maintain an open secret on the report Cap 22 and its tracks of savings in the public sphere, although its content, claimed by the oppositions, has already fleeing in the press.

Deflored in broad outline by Le Figaro this week, after dropping the dropper in recent months, the report of the Public Action Committee 2022, commissioned at the end of September, became a serial until its full publication on Friday. by the union Solidaires Finances.

Not really the ideal strategy of communication imagined by Matignon around this document promised as explosive in his proposals.

Justice, education, public functions, the committee of forty experts made reform proposals, some of which are already under construction, with the objective of improving public accounts by 30 billion euros.

Some of the tracks will undoubtedly be controversial more than others, such as increasing teaching time in secondary schools and creating a new body of teachers, reviewing the territorial organization of justice or charging the user for some public services (eg certain consular services).

But rather than revealing it in a bloc when it was surrendered and then delivering its arbitration, the Prime Minister hoped to present the only measures adopted " as " reforms ( tax, access to healthcare, public broadcasting …), from July to October, before publishing it.

A way of not focusing attention on the global figure, but rather on the different axes of " transformation ".

" It seems to me that it is more interesting to discuss what we are going to do than on this or that report, which I badume perfectly well ," Edouard Philippe said Thursday before senators.

" I remember many reports – I even had to participate in some of them – asked by many governments, in which 50, 70, 100 proposals were proposed. then focused on a measure "he added to illustrate the relevance of his tactics.

For Matignon, it is argued that " the report was not there to give the ", unlike, for example, the one that guided the abandonment of the Notre-Dame airport project. Dame-des-Landes.

During the installation of the committee, the entourage of the Prime Minister had made it clear that he was " advisory " and not " decision ", in an early attempt to defusing.

– " Secret Defense " –

" On Cap 22 we felt that the report was not going to stimulate the debate but to diminish it. not government decisions but government decisions on the report, which is not what we want to do "Matignon added.

The precedent of the report commissioned by Jean-Louis Borloo on neighborhoods also scalded the executive. Finally very little followed by Emmanuel Macron, his treatment had finally overshadowed the announcements of the Head of State.

Despite the leaks, the government is clinging to its method, eager to show that " it's not up to a report to basically dictate the timing, the scale, the sequencing of how we We want to transform the country "said spokesman Benjamin Griveaux.

On Wednesday, Philippe gave an example by retaining four orientations from Cap 22 on the public employment service, while indicating rejecting the recommendation of opening to competition for Pôle emploi.

But the mystery, now relative, has the gift of annoying. Republican boss Laurent Wauquiez accused the government of " tinkering in (his) corner a secret plan ".

In early June, a deputy The Republic marches bitterly deplored " that parliamentarians were far removed from reflection ".

" Cap 2022, it's secret defense ," Wednesday again on franceinfo Gérard Larcher, president LR of the Senate.

The Presidents (LR) of the Finance Commissions in the National Assembly and the Senate considered that keeping the conclusions of the report "undermines the clarity of the public debate and informs parliamentarians ", according to Senator Vincent Eblé.

Philippe Laurent, member of Cap 22 and Secretary General of the Association of Mayors of France, said " stunned by the leaks ", refusing to be " complicit in what from what is now a dupe game ".

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