Always stronger, the Warriors bet on Cousins ​​- NBA


With Boogie Cousins, Golden State seems to dig a little deeper with the rest of the league.

Big shot of Golden State. Enough to make the Californian team invincible? With Zaza Pachulia free at the end of the season and JaVale McGee joining the LeBron James Lakers, the Warriors were looking for a pivot. And they put the hook on the best free agent available at this position: DeMarcus Cousins. Yahoo information, quickly confirmed by multiple sources. It's about a one-year contract at $ 5.3 million. This is obviously much less than what the "Boogie" talent should command. But the subject suffered a rupture of the Achilles tendon last winter, having started the season by storm at 25.2 points, 12.9 rebounds, 5.4 badists, 1.6 interception and 1.6 against . According to various sources, he should not be able to play until December or January. This played a lot in this amazing signature. And scary for the rest of the League …

Anyway, the Dubs have the means to wait, with Kevin Durant coming back, and Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson and Draymond Green still there … But if Cousins, 27 years and four times All Star, found all of its resources by the play-offs, that the transplant takes with the rest of the locker room and that Steve Kerr manages to make the most of his new acquisition on the floor, offensively and defensively, it will not be good to be on the road of the double champions in title! Which will line a five exclusively composed of All Stars! Enough to bring regret to the clubs that have forgotten Cousins ​​this summer. Apparently, the Pelicans did not offer him. They turned to Julius Randle. In fact, nobody would have really solicited it. Fifth pick in the 2010 Draft, this former Kentucky native made his debut in Sacramento before being traded to New Orleans in February 2017.

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