An association denounces the breeding of game for hunting through an uplifting video survey



A video from the Association for the Protection of Wildlife (ASPAS) shows the cruelty of farms for animals raised in deplorable conditions. Today, she is launching a petition calling for the end of breeding for hunting.

19 million pheasants and partridges are raised each year in France in order to be released for hunting. The images captured in camera hidden by the anti-hunting badociation ASPAS, show through 9 visits of breeding birds, deplorable living conditions. The latter are destined to finish their lives, killed by a hunter.

Most birds that escape shooting die in the wild after a few days

These birds accustomed to the space and the small committee, find themselves confined in spaces of 2.5m ². "What is probably most surprising is the number of animals accumulated […]. This confinement is extremely dangerous for these animals ". To limit certain aggressions, breeders pierce the beaks of these birds to implant rings and even hatches, which causes multiple sources of stress and discomfort for the birds. This is also the case for millions of chicks who live in complete darkness the first weeks to avoid killing each other.

After 1 to 3 weeks in building, the birds are installed in aviaries outside. Such a sudden change that causes many incidents

From cage to carnage: the investigation of@ASPASnature
Millions of birds are raised in cage and crowded aviary, then released for the leisure of the hunt.
Sign and RT the call to ban these farms #StopElevageGibier#StopChbade

– ASPAS (@ASPASnature) November 28, 2018

Most pheasants and partridges that escape shooting die in the wild after a few days. Unsuitability for wildlife is fatal, they do not know how to feed themselves, do not know how to protect themselves from the weather and have not learned to flee natural predators.

According to the National Office for Hunting and Wildlife (ONCFS), one out of four hunted animals comes from a farm.

Charges challenged by hunters

"The conditions are necessarily good because unlike the food farms, the goal is to be able to release animals able to run, fly, move freely"says Thierry Coste, spokesman for the National Federation of Hunting. "Our dream is to stop these releases. The goal is to compensate for the loss of biodiversity due to intensive agriculture, which breaks up the territories of wild species and kills insects, the main food of birds..

For the director of ASPAS, Madline Reynaud, the will to create wild populations is only a pretext: « These animals are in the vast majority of cases released at the opening of the season and almost never a few months before allowing the animals time to reproduce. Breeders surveyed say they are almost drawn in the box ".

To sign the petition, visit the ASPAS website.

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