an explosive report argues for a decline in the legal age of departure


With the pension reform, will the legal age of departure be postponed? Today, it is set at 62, and the candidate Macron pledged not to touch it. A promise that could be difficult to keep, according to these two senators. For Senator LR Rene-Paul Savary, " 63 [ans] may be a perfectly acceptable age in the coming years and that would ultimately balance the regime ". France is one of the countries in Europe where we retire the earliest. Most often, it is at age 65 that one ceases its activity.

So, why consider leaving later because of the aging of the population? In 2017, there were 1.7 contributors per retiree in France, but in 2070, only 1.3 contributors per retiree. What weaken the financial balance of the system. The deficit could reach 4.5 billion euros in 2022 and 9 billion in 2029. A later retirement: the French are divided. A reflection that does not engage the government. The pension reform should be pbaded in 2019.

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