an ideal pretext for the anti-Macron opposition


POLITICS – Even more than football, politics remains a combat sport. While France is just recovering from the qualification of the Blues for the final of the World Cup in Russia, after a night of jubilation that saw tens of thousands of supporters parade on the Champs-Elysees, several executives of the Opposition seized the general euphoria to attack the President of the Republic and his policy.

Invited this Wednesday, July 11 on CNews, the President of the National Marine Rally Le Pen hailed "the patriotic drive (the) attachment to the nation of all those who came down yesterday with their French flags "while regretting that" it will not remove (the) concerns, it will not remove the dangers of insecurity and terrorism it will not make the end of the difficult month disappear. "

Evoking the joy that followed the coronation of France and her team" black, white, butter "in 1998, the member for Pas-de-Calais has judged "next to the plate" those who seek would be "to exploit this victory" with "20 years late". Targeting Emmanuel Macron, who made the trip to Russia for the semifinal and who promised to return for the final on Sunday, Marine Le Pen urged him to focus on "the policy that is conducted in France, and on which there is a lot to say, and let the Blues go to victory ". Before warning him: if he "thinks that the consequences of his policy will be swept by a victory of the Blues, he may be disappointed."

Before her, the elected RN Julien Odoul had denounced " the political recovery of the elites of 'living together' ". "No victory of the French team is not that of miscegenation and immigration, our Blues have nothing to do with migrants."

Deschamps, an example to follow for Macron

More measured, the new vice-president of the Republican party, Jean Leonetti preferred his hat to the coach Didier Deschamps to better tackle the recent speech by the head of state before the Congress. Didier Deschamps "acts a lot and he expresses himself very little, perhaps the President of the Republic should be inspired by his action," quipped the former deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, insisting on "the discretion in the service of the efficiency "and the choice of the breeder to make" very little com "" which is, "basically, perhaps a model for the policies."

On the side of the unsubstantial France, several executives, including Jean-Luc Mélenchon, watched the game in the National Assembly where the deputies planchaient on the very delicate project of constitutional revision. A concomitance that seized the MP Adrien Quatennens to denounce a reform examined ceaselessly: "While the People celebrates the qualification in the final of his national team, Macron his followers continue their bad moves against him."

While the People celebrates the qualification in the final of their national team, #Macron and his followers continue their bad moves against him. It is the popular sovereignty at the heart that @JLMelenchon intervenes against the #ConstitutionalReform and for a referendum. #FRABEL

– Adrien Quatennens (@AQuatennens) July 10, 2018

A sentiment supported by the spokesman of the communist deputies, Sébastien Jumel, who said he went to see the game with several of his comrades in "a Parisian troquet", before questioning himself: "pbaded this ephemeral happiness, I asked myself what can justify that in full torpor of the summer, while the French celebrate the victory of their team, we examined this important text, if not something to hide. "

In the end, everything was a good pretext to attack the government, its reform agenda and policy. MP Eric Coquerel did not digest the message posted by Emmanuel Macron, asking the Blues to "report" the World Cup in France next Sunday.

To report it? There really is money that counts for @EmmanuelMacron . In football we say "win". #FRABEL

– Eric Coquerel (@ericcoquerel) July 10, 2018

Even the popular jubilation on the Champs-Elysees has not been to everyone's taste. Visibly sour because he failed to prevent the adoption of "anti-social government", the former NPA presidential candidate, Philippe Poutou, ironically about the "awakening of the population that is finally mobilized against the dismissals or for the reception of the refugees. "

What's going on this evening on the Élysées fields? It's weird world! Is there a protest against anti-social attacks by the government? An awakening of the population that is finally mobilized against dismissals or for the reception of refugees? It had to happen. Whew.

– Philippe Poutou (@PhilippePoutou) July 10, 2018

So that's it, all together and live together? Just a place in the final? Time to forget our misfortunes as if it could erase them? And then everything will return to normal, everyone will resume his place? Is not it artificial and manipulative somewhere?

– Philippe Poutou (@PhilippePoutou) 11 July 2018

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