"Angry Police" president, Maggy Biskupski, has committed suicide


President of the badociation "Angry Police", Maggy Biskupski committed suicide Monday night with his service weapon at his home in Carrières-sous-Poissy (Yvelines), according to information from Parisian that we are able to confirm. She was 36 years old.

The young woman had established herself as the representative of the angry police movement after the dramatic events of Viry-Châtillon in October 2016, when two police vehicles were stormed by a group of hooded individuals with 13 Molotov badtails. Two members of the security forces had been badly burned, two more slightly.

Since then, Maggy Biskupski, targeted by a procedure of the IGPN to be released from her duty of reserve, played the role of spokesperson of her badociation to report police malaise.

More recently, the policewoman was facing Yann Moix on the set of Terrans Saturday. The polemicist had been extremely virulent with the police. In particular, she had asked Gerard Collomb, then Minister of the Interior, to lodge a complaint for "public insults".

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