Another cyber-harasser sentenced for death threats against journalist


Nadia Daam, in her November 1, 2017 column on Europe 1. – Screenshot 1 Europe

Six months suspended sentence, community service, training and follow-up psychological. A 21-year-old man who called for "unscrupulous killing" journalist Nadia Daam to "avenge" two
cyber-stalkers who had just been tried for threatening him death was in turn sentenced Friday at

"At the time I laughed, there I laugh more …" said the young man in a weak voice, explaining having simply thought to indulge in a "bad joke". "When you're young, you laugh at a few nasty things," he added. Tuesday, two men were sentenced in Paris to six months in prison suspended for threats of death and rape against the journalist Nadia Daam, victim of cyber-harbadment after a chronicle in November on Europe 1. She denounced a campaign of hatred on the forum 18-25 years old of the site against two feminist militants.

"Let's kill it without scruple"

A few hours later, on this same forum, the accused writes: "It is necessary to kill it. (…) If we can not get it, we will have to attack his family. Let's kill her without scruple as in the favelas in Brazil. All to "avenge our fallen brothers. "They are room fighters, keyboard, mouse commandos … so much the better! The prosecutor contended, before seeking the sentence finally imposed by the court. Before the investigators who had reported to him after a report on the site Pharos, the young man, without activity, said he had no intention to kill the journalist and simply sought to "divert".

"In the masculine inter-self of this forum, that makes laugh, "lamented his lawyer Agathe Grenouillet. The young man, she said, had also created on the forum an older character, suicidal and alone. She was in favor of community service and care injunction, hoping "to become a mature adult."

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