Apple internal video leak: disassembly and repair of iPhone X, MacBook Pro, iMac Pro … [MàJ]


Enjoy the videos posted below because it's a safe bet that following their media coverage (via the site Motherboard in particular), Apple claims and obtains the deletion on YouTube. Arman Haji was able to retrieve these videos from a now-suspended Twitter account, which shared this internal content with the constructor.

This is a series of videos presenting manipulations and good practices to diagnose, disbademble and repair the devices of the manufacturer: here to calibrate the Force Touch keyboard of MacBook, there to know everything about the speaker of the iPhone X, again for the Taptic Engine, here for the Touch ID of the MacBook Pro … We find above the instructions for removing the battery from the iPhone X to replace it.

video above shows information about calibrating and replacing the iPhone's 3D Touch screen. We will see in the American star the famous machine developed especially for Apple for these operations.

The chain also presents the operation of the "mystery connector" present on the motherboards of the MacBook Pro 2016 and 2017. This last allows to recover, via a kit a little bulky, the data on SSD of these machines to transfer them to another. This connector is missing from the MacBook Pro 2018 due to the presence of the chip T2 and new features of data security, we were told.

[MàJ 24/07/2018 07h32] : without much surprise, the videos have all been removed this morning …

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