Apple releases the third public beta of iOS 12 and tvOS 12


The third public beta of iOS 12 and tvOS 12 is available, with improvements in stability and bugs

This beta 3 is actually the fourth beta for developers released last night, bringing with it the same features. We remind you that this version of iOS 12 (and even tvOS 12), is a test version that includes bugs (not many) that can compromise or reduce the stability and performance of your device, as well as reduce its autonomy.

Of course, you'll be able to preview the new Animoji, Memoji and the new Screen Time function, to monitor how much and how you use your device. You can also familiarize yourself with the Siri shortcuts as well as the new features of Do not Disturb mode. To learn more about all the new features of iOS 12, we invite you to read our previous articles on the subject at this address .

To enjoy the public beta of iOS 12, you have to open a beta tester account for free. Then just install the beta profile of iOS, and go to Settings> General> Software update to see this beta.

Given our latest tests on the four beta for developers, we can at least rebadure you about the overall good stability of the system, which still requires optimization in terms of autonomy. However, it is worth noting that many applications are obviously not yet fully compatible, so you may encounter anomalies that are not due to the developers, but iOS 12.

Do not miss to let us know in the comments what are your general impressions about this second beta and the new features introduced.

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