Apple surfs the sales of its most expensive iPhone


The group unveiled a quarterly profit up more than 30%. The group sells fewer smartphones than expected, but at a higher price.

 Advertising campaign for the release of iPhone X, Union Square in San Francisco, November 3, 2017.

Always more beautiful , always more powerful … and always more expensive. Apple brand iPhone run like hotcakes, and are the heyday of Apple. The IT group released Tuesday, July 31, a quarterly net profit up more than 30% to $ 11.5 billion (9.8 billion euros).

Reported by share, North American benchmark, the profit is $ 2.34. This is more than expected by badysts, who were counting on 2.18 dollars. Turnover is also better than expected, at 53.27 billion dollars (45.58 billion euros, + 17%).

See also:
                Apple cares for its shareholders

iPhone sales, highly observed, have certainly proved a little below expectations, with 41.3 million units sold (+ 1%) but Apple has done more than offset it with a rise selling prices. Turnover from smartphones has jumped 20% to $ 29.9 billion.

The iPhone X, locomotive group

This is notably due to the release in 2017 of the iPhone 8 and especially the iPhone X, whose selling price starts in the United States to nearly $ 1,000.

This publication has visibly rebadured investors: the title was rising in the electronic exchanges following the closing of Wall Street. But this level is still insufficient to reach the symbolic threshold of 1,000 billion market capitalization. The group finished the official session at 935.3 billion dollars.

The CEO of the group Tim Cook mentioned in the release of results, the "best third trimester" of Apple, helped by from "Solid iPhone Sales, Services and Connected Objects" . The giant, which seeks to diversify as it is financially dependent on the iPhone, has notably increased by 31%, to 9.55 billion dollars (8.1 billion euros), revenues from "Services" (iTunes Store, Apple Music, Apple Pay …).

See also:
                iPhone slowed down: does it really need to change the battery, even for 29 euros?

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