Apple will deploy a new enriched version of its service


Despite intense efforts, Apple is struggling to impose its geolocation services Plans face a very popular service: Google Maps. But things could change by dint of investment.


Apple has announced soon to deploy a brand new version of Plans, whose interface has been completely redesigned. It will not be just a graphic redesign, the content has also changed a lot. Apple has integrated data from the iPhone of its users as well as clichés made by hundreds of vehicles responsible for mapping the world as Google does.

TechCrunch site could try this new version of Plans, just like users enrolled in the iOS 12 beta test. The update will be deployed starting in the fall in California for a phased deployment currently restricted to the United States.

By exploiting its own data retrieved by cars equipped with 360-degree cameras and crowdsourcing, Apple could accelerate the development of its service and position it at the level of Google. Nothing has been said about the deployment of the service in its new version in France.

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