Assassin's Creed: Ubisoft tease multi-eras games on the next-gen | Xbox One


Ubisoft wants us to drag in teasant the arrival of future episodes of Assbadin's Creed that would incorporate several epochs simultaneously on the next generation of machines.

It is the Executive Vice President of Ubisoft, Lionel Reynaud, who writes on Ubi Blog the official blog of the Breton company. "We could travel from one era to another within the same world, in Assbadin's Creed for example, using the Animus.

"We could also have fast travel points so that a Far Cry or a Watch Dog could take place in several countries (…) and in a fluid way.

On the question of the "frontier" between finite gambling and gambling, he explains that it is less and less obvious every year. "We have longer post-launch periods, the life cycle of our games is longer. Even traditionally solo-oriented games like action-adventure games now have big post-launch periods and people are staying longer and longer in the worlds we're creating.

In other words, the DLC's policy will not be over with the next generation. We are joy.

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