at the trial of a "commando of the mouse"


In room 4 of the Bobigny High Court, a small, dark-haired woman looks for an eye dress. Disoriented, she asks when it will be time for her son. "It's because I'm working today."

Two days earlier, police raided his home in search of death threats against journalist Nadia Daam , on the forum 18-25 of the site The facts occurred even though two other cyberharceleurs of the journalist were themselves tried.

They seized the computer of Nbader R., 21 years old, who immediately recognized to have published:
"You have to kill her, I shout her (sic) loudly! You have to kill her the kheys, this dirty feminist shit !! […] If we can not get her, we'll have to attacking his family

Let's avenge our fallen brothers For the plan, I'm in Paris, I have a car … It's missing more than an armed khey with hoods. "

"Or he is completely crazy …"

The audience has not yet resumed when it is brought into the box. His mother approaches, he says, "Why did you come? There's nothing."

He does not want her in the room so she goes away, even though she has not slept

And when the president comes in, her body changes. He bends, his voice goes out, his eyes are fixed in his shoes. Fine glbades, black hoodie and blue t-shirt, Nbader R. is tried in immediate appearance. We went back to him after a report Pharos. An investigation quickly identified his mother's connection as having served to post the threats. The President writes the facts, dubious:

"How do you say when I saw the file this morning, I said to myself: or he is completely crazy, or we live in another world, we here in the tribunal. "

The defendant, him, swallows saliva and consonants. The words that come out of his mouth are silent and chewed like the end of a pencil. The chair asks if he recognizes the facts. He acquiesces with a nod.

On the forum of, his post was both widely read and discussed. In one fell swoop, he became popular. When asked what he felt about this idea, Nbader R., sweeps:

"It does not matter to me."

Why threaten Nadia Daam with death, then, if it does not matter to him? He can not "explain it with words", he takes a breath.

"At first, I feel strong."

Want to know why he wrote that it was necessary to kill Nadia Daam . He gets bogged down: "There was a peak of connection, I wanted to make people laugh". The President strangles:

"How can you think it will make people laugh to say that you have to kill her?" What can be laughable about you? "

He bounces sheepishly, explaining that some of his friends laughed and that" when you're young, you laugh at a few nasty things. "

The triggering of the search

To the police, this young unemployed person – who attended a professional electrotechnical terminal, without pbading his baccalaureate – said that he did not think what he had written, that he was a game and "the cops did not understand their humor." Understand that of the forum 18-25.

In front of the court, the young man does not bluster so much. "How do you feel?" asks the president. The answer is in a word, as often during this exchange:


His two indexes folded into a snail, he rubs his eyes and the back of the skull before cutting another card: " I did not think there would be legal proceedings. In the forum, there are tricks that are much stronger. "Understanding: a lot more trash.

What happened to that in the space of 24 hours, Nbader R. post first a death threat on the internet before he feels "pitiful" in court He tries:

"I did not think it would go to the search. For the others, there was never anything, why would it happen to me? "

What the court tries to explore, with its means and its culture (" I am null in Facebook and in social networks ", confesses the president), this is the nature of his relationship to the world.

A little earlier, the headquarters tried to find explanations for the inconsistency of Nbader R. We talked about his intensive practice of video games, questioned his ability to differentiate the virtual from the real, evoked days spent alone at home in front of a screen.

He was asked what he got from this experience, he said: "a lesson". What?

"The virtual world is the same consequences as in real life. It's not like it was less serious, but since there were so many [de contenus trash postés sur le forum ; NDLR] I do not know. It was funny. At first I laughed, I admit. But here, it makes me laugh less. "

The prosecutor, he is far from hilarious.It returns to the file by asking why Nbader R. has used various nicks on the forum. "interested:" Because they are banished, as soon as someone insults … "Ping." So you used to have your accounts banned. "Pong." Yes. "Ping." So you are aware from what can be considered incorrect words. "He is overwhelmed.

" She does not know I'm doing anything "

Nbader R., you have to go get him, speak for him, open the questions. Both "yes" and "no" tell a life outside the real that the president tries to force or at least to pin down.

Earlier, she reported testimonies describing him as "an introverted young man, unpleasant physique, which was a target of ridicule at school. "She spoke about her desire to work in green spaces, which is no longer news

She then mentions the violence perpetrated by her father (his parents divorced when he was 13 years old, one of his brothers is currently placed) as well as the "major difficulties of elaboration" raised by the personality survey. ("Sir is not in a position to make exhaustive answers to the questions asked.")

And then comes this somewhat disarming exchange:

– Your mother says nothing about the fact that you are pbading your days in your room?

– She does not know I'm doing anything. She thinks I'm doing resumes, answering ads. She does not know I do not get involved

– But why do not you get involved?

– I do not feel like it

Nadia Daam's lawyer insists that her client loved being present at the hearing, but she is retained for professional reasons:

"She regrets it, she does not want to let pbad the threats she undergoes."

She reminds that the address the journalist was disclosed, her house was vandalized before being burglarized, she and her daughter were subjected to death threats and incessant rapes by members of the forum 18-25 of jeuxvideo .com and it now needs to "get rid of this harm."

"The commandos of the mouse"

"The irruption of the victim in the criminal trial undermines all the tears of the defendant that he pours on himself. " That's what Nbader R. inspires the prosecutor, who has compiled some of his stakes in the forum. He goes on:

"When the accused says that it will be necessary to attack the family of the victim, it is not someone who does not know what he says, it is not about humor, even in the humor that is his.

I do not take these people for the vanguard of the fighters.These are room fighters, keyboards, commandos of the mouse. impact on the victim is considerable. "

He whines while imitating Nbader R., before asking for 6 months of suspended sentences with 180 hours of community service to be carried out over a year, because the the accused's criminal record is empty. "You will not forget to confiscate the computer that was seized."

During the hearing, Nbader R.'s lawyer brought him water. Sometimes she has finished some of her sentences, clarified elements of the file. At the time of pleading, she describes the "humor" of the defendant (that she "does not share") as typical of the "male inter-seet that one finds on these forums".

She also returns on the character that Nbader R. invented on the internet and on his distressing sadness:

"In my time, when we were on the internet, we took the opportunity to create a life a little better, hair a little more long, a job a little more interesting.

There, what shocked me is that the personality of the man is sad.It writes: 'I made six suicide attempts, everyone hates me , I'm a monster. 'That's the personality we invented? "

She says" Monsieur lives in another dimension "and to" give him a taste for the outside life ", it aligns itself with the prosecutor with regard to community service. She also envisages a citizenship course.

Nbader R. concluded by saying: "I became aware of my words."

He was found guilty of the charges against him. He was sentenced to 6 months of suspended imprisonment, an obligation of training and care, and 180 hours of TIG over a period of one year. He will also have to pay 5,000 euros in damages to Nadia Daam, as well as 700 euros in legal costs.

Nbader R.'s mother has followed the proceedings since the entrance to the hall. She heard almost nothing, just the voice of the president. Before leaving, she said that she would have liked to know what had really happened.

 Henri Rouillier

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