Attacks of 13-November: the Clain brothers targeted by an arrest warrant


Paris – The anti-terrorist investigating judges charged with investigating the attacks of 13 November 2015 in Paris and Saint-Denis issued arrest warrants for the Clain brothers at the end of June. was quickly identified at the time in the claim of the group Islamic State, was learned Monday by a lawyer of civil parties.

This announcement was made by magistrates on Monday during a briefing of survivors and relatives of victims of attacks perpetrated against terraces and the hall of Bataclan in Paris and at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, which killed 130 people in total.

The issuance of these international arrest warrants means that the judges request their hearing, with a view to their indictment in the case.

During this meeting, which was held at the Ecole Militaire in Paris, the judges also indicated that they hoped to complete the investigation in September 2019, AFP reported. French Association of Victims of Terrorism (AFVT), Antoine Casubolo Ferro.

Fabien Clain was quickly identified as the voice of the sound message of the EI group broadcast in the aftermath of the attacks perpetrated by three commandos of men returned from Syria. His brother Jean-Michel was identified in the Anasheeds – religious songs – of the recording. Veterans of jihad, they have been in the sights of anti-terrorist services for years and are probably still in Syria, according to investigators.

According to Mr. Casubolo Ferro, the investigating judges decided to issue these international arrest warrants after badyzing the claim, which also referred to an attack in the 18th arrondissement of Paris. However, the latter did not take place, which leads the magistrates to think that the Clain brothers were aware of the preparations for the attacks.

– " They are probably somewhere in Syria " –

" For us civil parties, this is good news ," said the lawyer, who called Monday's meeting " very interesting ".

" A priori the Clain brothers are not dead and have not been arrested, they are probably somewhere in Syria ," he added, noting that at the meeting, civil parties had wondered how they had been able to leave French territory despite their surveillance by the intelligence services.

At the end of May, a source familiar with the matter told AFP that the Clain brothers were still alive and did not express their desire to return to Turkey or France.

Converted to Islam, Fabien Clain, who attended the brothers Mohamed -auteur killings of Toulouse in 2012- and Abdelkader Merah in the Toulouse region, was sentenced to 5 years in prison in 2009 at the trial of a channel of jihadist transport to Iraq, the so-called Artigat sector.

In March, Judge Christophe Teissier, who led this sprawling investigation, refused a request for an act from the Victims Association Life For Paris, which called for the hearing of the Clain brothers and the issuance of warrants of arrest. look at their possible " prominent role " in the preparations for the Paris attacks.

In his response, the judge explained that " investigations " were " ongoing " for " to accurately determine the precise role that each of 'between them could have "according to a source familiar with the matter.

In all, twelve men are prosecuted in the case heard in Paris and at least five others whose Clain brothers are the subject of an arrest warrant.

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