Automobile: Air-conditioning prices may rise


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 Automotive: air conditioning prices may rise
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The entry into force of a new European regulation on pollutants should cause air conditioning prices to go up in September

This is the star of the summer. In the middle of the traffic jams of July, in an overheated car, only a well regulated air conditioning can come to relieve the vacationers. This summer, before taking the road, French motorists would be well inspired to have their air conditioning revised, to avoid the risk of paying more in September. According to the Parisian, the European Union wants to ban the gas R134a, a very polluting greenhouse gas.

A complete overhaul of the air conditioning every two years

Now, almost all the park French car has an air conditioning that emits this refrigerant gas. Production quotas imposed by the EU on leaving the factory should mechanically lower this type of air conditioning. In the meantime, garages could increase their price on air conditioning services. According to a specialist interviewed by the Parisian, a gas refill today costs 70 euros, while a full interview is 110 euros. These prices, calculated by averaging the rates in force in the main car centers, should therefore increase as of September. Professionals advise to change the refrigerated gas of his vehicle once a year, and to completely revise his air conditioning every two years.


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