average sales of Galaxy S9 weigh on profits


Innovation as the only solution

Leading the smartphone market for many years, the Korean Samsung today is experiencing a decline in profits due to disappointing sales of the S9 and strong competition from China.


 Samsung Galaxy S9

Samsung Galaxy S9

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 Samsung Galaxy S9 +

Samsung Galaxy S9 +

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Samsung has been at the forefront of global smartphone manufacturers for many years now. image of the Korean manufacturer may well be slightly chipped in the coming weeks. Indeed, according to Reuters who has discussed with badysts, the next quarterly results of the firm may well be somewhat sealed by sales "disappointing" Galaxy S9.

The last spearheads of Samsung Mobile would sell indeed less well on the year than their predecessors the Galaxy S8 and S8 +, which themselves have sold less well than the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. Samsung nevertheless started from very very high, so even a hole in the air keeps the mark at a nice level since badysts expect an operating result of about $ 13 billion, a 5% jump over the same period Last year. A tidy sum, but far from the record of almost 15 billion reached last March. If the semiconductor sector is still largely profitable, the finances would fall a little slack because of the mobile.

The Chinese builders on the turn

According to badysts who have engaged in Reuters, this decline is due to lack of innovation at Samsung. A point on which it would be difficult to give them wrong, as the S9 are indeed quasi-copies of the S8. To make matters worse, the smartphone market is also not in the best shape with a decline in sales in the world for some time now. A badtail of factors that does not particularly help Samsung, but rather successful Chinese builders like Xiaomi, Vivo or Oppo.

Samsung is far from bankruptcy, but if it continues the manufacturer could be jostled by newcomers. It would not be a matter of falling asleep on these laurels.

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