Bayrou and Le Pen want a bank for political parties


On this point, the MoDem can count on the support of the National Gathering. Indeed, François Bayrou and Marine Le Pen exchanged "last week" on the need for a "bank of democracy", an idea of ​​the ex-guard of the Seals that his allies of the Republic in progress are in the process to be forgotten. This project was nevertheless part of the pact between the centrist and the candidate Emmanuel Macron which resulted in a support of the first to the future president.

But on June 5, at a hearing in the Senate, the Secretary of State charged Relations with Parliament, Christophe Castaner, suggested that this project, dear to the mayor of Pau, would be abandoned. For Francois Bayrou, the goal would be to create a public party financing body, allowing them to overcome the financing of private banks for loans to movements and candidates. An institution that would have served well at the National Front Marine Le Pen since the movement has always had difficulty in obtaining loans in French banks, to the point of having to go to Russia to look for it.

Favorable Conjuncture

news about the finances of the party to the flame, just renamed, has also come to reinforce the political leaders' agreement on this point: the French judges have indeed seized 2 million euros of public aid due to the National Gathering who risks the cessation of payment and cries out for "political badbadination".

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"The news shows a need that is crucial today in terms of transparent funding, public funding. And this is where the bank of democracy is a concrete and necessary answer, "commented MoDem spokeswoman Sarah El Haïry at a press briefing, adding that let justice "do its job."

On the famous bank, "several tools" are according to her envisaged by the MoDem so that it takes life: the possibility of a proposal of law of the parliamentarians of the group, its introduction in the coming bill for business growth, known as the "Pact Act," or "perhaps" a government proposal.

READ ALSO> Where did the "Bank of Democracy" go? François Bayrou?

"Absolutely nothing is buried", we still say on the side of MoDem, believing that Christophe Castaner based his remarks only "on a partial part of the whole problem" . And the member for Loire-Atlantique to ensure that the initiative would "make political commitment accessible to all" and avoid "entrusting the life and death of political parties to banks."

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