Beaten to wolves in Béarn: an open investigation


A flagrancy investigation was opened by the prosecutor's office of Pau (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) after a "wolves" fight in which took part a hundred people in the valley of Ossau, Béarn, Sunday. The prosecutor of the Republic, Cécile Gensac, confirmed Tuesday information in the local media. According to Sud-Ouest, it is mainly "the rifles described and the shots, rare but audible, which aroused the wrath of justice."

An open letter denouncing "elected outlaws" was sent by the Association for the Protection of Wild Animals (ASPAS) to the prefect coordinator of the Plan Wolf, Stéphane Bouillon, Nicolas Hulot, Minister of Ecological Transition, and Gilbert Payet, Prefect of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques.

On Twitter, the Brigitte Bardot Foundation also called the minister, pointing out that this is a protected species.

"One hundred people participated in this operation among which herders, but also mayors", is indignant the letter.

In three months, 120 ewes were killed

According to a breeder cited by The Republic of the Pyrenees some "120 ewes dead in three months is more than Lozere with five wolves". "What are we waiting for to take action? It's crazy to let such dangerous animals in areas that attract tourists, "he continues. But for the National Office for Hunting and Wildlife (ONCFS), these attacks are due to stray dogs.

On Sunday morning, a hundred men had participated in a "wolves" fight at Port-au-Prince. de-Castet located in the valley of Ossau. Shepherds and sheep breeders, according to the local press, "armed with rifles to hunt the wolf" took part.

An offense "in organized gang"

ASPAS recalls that the wolf is a strictly protected species at the national, European and international levels. "Any attempt to destroy a protected non-domestic animal species is an offense punishable by two years' imprisonment and a fine of € 150,000 pursuant to Article L 415-3 of the Environment Code". badociation

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"The realization of this offense organized gang, which is the case in the context of an organized beat, is liable to seven years of imprisonment and 750,000 euros fine, "she recalls.

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